Chess: Holy War

Game´s Description

It is a turn-based strategy game, as is the common chess. However, in this project, role-playing game features are added so that during the games the pieces can improve or equip themselves with objects.

It is a hotseat multiplayer game (for now) in which the games are faster, creating a strategic and frenetic atmosphere in each game.

Gif that shows the main menu when you press the play button

Gif - Pressing play on the main menu

Gif that shows the promotion of a piece to a higher rank

Gif - Promotion of a piece to a higher rank

Gif that shows a deathmatch between enemy pieces

Gif - Deathmatch between enemy pieces

Illustration of the card art of all game pieces

Card art of all game pieces

In-game capture of the merchant, unlockable by moving to the correct random square

In-game capture of the merchant, unlockable by moving to the correct random square

Illustration of the artwork of equipable or usable objects during gameplay

Artwork of equipable or usable objects during gameplay

Gif that shows the end of the game where white wins

Gif - End of the game, White wins

Project information

  • Category: Videogame
  • Engine: Unity
  • Project date: 20 December, 2022
  • Project URL: Try it here without downloads and free!
  • Software: Unity, Procreate, Adobe Photoshop, Github, Ableton Live, Trello

My roles during development

  • UI/UX Designer: I designed the main menu and all the interface present during the gameplay. Also design the feedback given to the player after different inputs.
  • Game Design: Together with the other game designer, we designed the idea of the game, its rules and all the mechanics in it, and we translated it into the GDD.
  • 2D Artist: I made the artwork for the game interface, the cards of the pieces and the usable objects.
  • SFX Artist: I made the sound effects for the game and placed them in such a way as to provide correct feedback to the player.
  • Gameplay Programmer: I programmed the game tutorial
  • Tester: I tested the game in its different development versions to find minor and major bugs.