Juan Antonio Piña Ramos

Name: Juan Antonio Piña Ramos

Bachelor´s Degree: Videogames Design and Development at URJC university

Profile: Design & Art

Email: japiradev@gmail.com

Phone: +34 677 24 96 16

Very brief summary of my work personality

Team Work 100%
Communication 100%
Empathy 100%
Organization 100%
Curiosity 100%
Enthusiasm 100%
Experienced 25%
About me

Hi, I´m Juan Antonio!

A passionate designer who finds his happiness in transmitting emotions to people through the stimuli generated by his ideas captured on the screen.

I would like to specialize in the design of user interfaces and user experiences that are impactful and that convey the message and intentionality of the game..

I try to develop diegetic designs as much as possible, after assessing whether they can be properly integrated into the specific context of the game.

I am aware of digital accessibility standards.
Making software accessible is a universal duty.

My goal is to connect video games with UI and to make the user experience satisfying in the best way possible with all my knowledge. I am excited and eager to join a dynamic and growing video game company where I can apply my skills and knowledge to contribute to the success of the team, as well as continue to develop personally and professionally.


I can perform in various technical and artistic aspects, I have clear preferences but I am willing to learn or improve skills that I do not have so developed.
When it comes to my work, I am clear about my design guidelines.

UX Design

The user experience is like plunging into a lucid dream where reality blends with fantasy and the player's pulse beats to the rhythm of the surrounding environment.

Therein lies the difficulty of this field, and it is up to the developer to make the user be immersed in a pleasant, enjoyable and interactive experience that brings them some value.

UI Design

The UI in a video game is like the thread that connects the player with the magic of the game, an indispensable tool that transforms the complex into the simple and the unknown into the familiar.

I have been learning little by little to make interfaces respecting the principles of usability .

I like to be original and design lively, integrated and coherent interfaces with which the player can interact properly and without being overwhelmed by too much information on the screen.


I have a good knowledge of the Game Accessibility Guidelines and the WCAG digital standard because of my TFG, which is dedicated to the analysis of accessibility within the video game industry .

Also, in my curricular internship work experience with the company Mental Gaming I participated in the development process of a video game for children with ASD .

2D Art

Navigating this broad field, my efforts are focused on designing objects, icons, interface elements to provide a visual experience with context and to facilitate the user's understanding of the elements that accompany and guide them during their adventure.

Game Design

I also love to create stories that can be told in a videogame or play with different mechanics to create new concepts as in the development of Chess: Holy War (see below).

I'm used to develop structured GDDs that meet the usual standard.

QA Testing

I love to analyze the videogames I play and since I finished my university degree I usually make an even more conscientious analysis of them.

Due to my TFG, I have experience in detecting minor or major problems in usability and accessibility but I would love to try detecting bugs in other fields as well.


An illustrated look at my personal and team works

If you click on ⊕, you will see a series of screenshots and gifs detailing my work, in case these pass from one to the other very fast, leave clicked on the content and it will not slide.

Chess: Holy War

Itch.io Videogame / 2022


Itch.io Game Jam Videogame / Sep 2023

TitanElAudaz (TEA)

Internship videogame (it was under development) / Jan 2023-Aug 2023


Android Videogame (available in Play Store) / 2022

FeedYourself App

Android Health App / 2023

Blurred Bar

Final Art Portfolio / 2022&2023

ArtWork for Chess: Holy War

Portfolio / 2022

My Teams

Video game studios with which I have done some of the above work.

Team Chubby Cat

We are 5 developers and designers and during this last year we launched Chess: Holy War on Itch.io, CyberHell for Android and developed the Artifical Intelligence project Boo-Boo-School.

Mental Gaming

During my internship in this company I participated in the still developing project Titan El Audaz, the educational video game for children with ASD.