FeedYourself App

App´s Description

Food product assistant, which aims to improve shopping by scanning the barcodes of different products.

The application allows the user's allergies to be recorded and warns of possible risks if the scanned product contains a potentially dangerous ingredient.

It also saves recent searches in case the user usually buys the same products or wishes to consult information about a previous product, as the application also saves different data about the food.

Using the app

Mockup of the different screens

Mockup of the different screens

App screen flow

App screen flow

App icon

App icon

Project information

  • Category: Android App
  • Project date: 20 December, 2022
  • Project URL: Download the apk here!!
  • Software: Flutter, Material Design Widgets, Visual Studio Code, Procreate, Github

My roles during development

  • UI/UX Designer: Design mockups, color contrast, screen flow, end screens and mobile user experience of the app.
  • Database Programmer: At the programmer's side, I programmed the database using ObjectBox and OpenFoodFacts