Titan El Audaz (TEA)

Game´s Description

Titan El Audaz is a project in development of an educational game for children with ASD, which consists of the daily routine of Titan, our protagonist, who must complete a series of everyday and anodyne tasks in the form of mini-games, accompanied and guided by his pet, making them fun.

During the development of this project, I really learned how to develop with a specific and closed audience in mind.

Gameplay screenshot of the main menu

Main Menu

Git that shows the character selection and start of the game

Gif - Character selection and start of the game

Gameplay screenshot of the main character´s bedroom

Main character´s bedroom

Screenshot of the instructions given to complete the mini-game

Instructions given to complete the minigame

Gif that shows the first part of the teeth minigame

Gif - First part of the teeth minigame

Gif that shows the second part of the teeth minigame

Gif - Second part of the teeth minigame.

Gif that shows the third part of the teeth minigame

Gif - Third part of the teeth minigame

Gif that shows a walk through the house

Gif - A walk through the house

Gif that shows the third part of the puzzle minigame

Gif - Puzzle minigame

Project information

  • Category: Unity under development game
  • Engine: Unity.
  • Project date: Jan 2023 - Aug 2023
  • Software: Unity, Procreate, Photoshop, Ableton Live, Visual Studio, Github.

My roles during development

  • UI Designer : I designed and programmed the UI, the character selector and the main menu with options included
  • UX and Accesibility Designer: As it was a game for children with ASD, I studied how to focus the user experience to that specific audience.
  • Game Design:I designed the game flow, its minigames and all the mechanics in they.
  • 2D Artist: I made the artwork for the interface and the minigames assets, as well as the main menu.
  • SFX Artist: I made the sound effects for the game and placed them in such a way as to provide correct feedback to the player.
  • VFX Artist: I worked with Unity´s Particle System to make the special effects of the minigames.